"I believe in pink. I believe that laughing is the best calorie burner. I believe in kissing, kissing a lot. I believe in being strong when everything seems to be going wrong. I believe that happy girls are the prettiest girls. I believe that tomorrow is another day. And I believe in miracles."
~ Audrey Hepburn


All Wrapped Up

So I know this kind of makes me sound like a crazy grandma, 
but yesterday I made a scarf. Like the whole thing.

I don't know if you have ever made a scarf before, but crocheting and/or 
knitting something is usually a week-long process AT LEAST. I simply 
parked myself in front of the fire place and crocheted for about 12 hours straight 
(a special thank you to Shrek 2, Superbad, Pineapple Express,
Titanic, and Shrek 2 again for keeping me entertained).

Gotta love rainy days! This means I accomplished goal...
#041: Make myself a scarf.

finished product :)

Woohoo! Oh and guess what?!!
I followed your advice and made it deep purple. 
Thanks for the help :)
I also bought some gorgeous teal yarn so I just may be 
making another one during my winter break. 

I basically just alternated a row of alpaca weave stitches with two
 rows of single crochet stitches, and repeated that pattern 4 times. 
I was very nervous for the result but I am actually really
pleased with how it turned out! I love the texture.

(P.S. check out my awesome crochet stick. ITS PINK)

CLOSE UP! Flash is too strong...

This was a fun goal. I put it on my list because
 I am obsessed with scarves and I like feeling self-sufficient.
Also I like to have random skills. 

I.e. "Hi, my name is Marcella. I can tie a tie, speak spanish (kind of)and crochet!"



Gabriella said...

Where Can I order one !! LOL this is BEAUTIFUL

Unknown said...

i love a good scarf - i tried to knit once but that was an epic faiil xxx